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EIR Sentence Stems!

Directions: Complete each sentence. Answer all of them & add your own to the bottom. The next person should answer that one too….

1.The first thing I do when I get to school is _______________________________________.

Drink my coffee

Listen to the announcements

Check my schedule for the day.

Check on materials being borrowed from other teachers

Check and answer emails.

2.My favorite place to eavesdrop on conversation is _____________ because ___________.

Lunch with the students and during classes

3. I wish the teachers knew ____________________________________________________.

That I am not a student teacher

I am not there to spy on their class and that they do not need to be nervous when I observe their class.

4. The best thing that happened at school today was ____________________________.

Playing Volleyball with the 7th grade

5. I didn’t think _____________________________ would work, but ___________________.

Meeting with the teacher teams because I was nervous, but I have gotten a full schedule from i!

6. ***Please make one of you own….(and answer the others previous folks have made)***

  1. My favorite part about EIR so far has been ___________________________.

Bonding with students over music.

B. My favorite thing to do in my EIR town is ___________.

Hang out with my roommates while getting coffee and breakfast sandwiches.

C. Something I’m looking forward to before EIR is over is________.

Going to museums.

D. When I get home I___________________,

Eat a snack

Accidentally nap

Play Assassins Creed and pet the cats.

E. I _________ when I need to troubleshoot problems or concerns I have with EIR.

Talk to my roomates

Ask Jess or Katrina.

F. What excites you to get up in the morning?

Being able to work with students!

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