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EIR Weekly Reflection - Week 6

How are you doing meeting the goals of you MOU? What resources do you need? How can TLS help?

In my MOU my primary responsibilities were:

  1. Work with our 7th grade students to establish a continuation of the skills learned at TLS.

  2. Strengthen our 6th grade Crew time , which uses low ropes and course and project adventure. Lacks processing and follow through.

  3. Work with our 8th grade around goal setting and successful skills to succeed at high school and life.

In my MOU: my secondary responsibilities were:

  1. Create lunch groups to connect with these students who struggle socially.

  2. Work with us to evaluate a social/emotional survey we will be administering and look for ways to support the weak areas.

I believe I am meeting all of these goals except for the second primary responsibility. However, I am leading a training with the low ropes course on March 16h with the 6th grade teachers. Jess Anderson could help me prepare for that when she visits my school on the 7th.

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